When applying to college, you know as well as I do that acceptance rates tend to stand out - colleges often brag about their acceptance rates in an effort to show their prestige. The lower the rate, the more coveted their college experience is - apparently. But when it comes to acceptance rates, there are a few things to keep in mind that culminate in this shockingly low number you see.
Exams in college are notoriously difficult. But if you’re anything like me, then final exams are a whole new level of pressure. After months of studying hard for your midterms, you have to essentially start from the top and review the entire curriculum. With endless pieces of study materials piling up from the semester, it can be challenging to know where to start but let me tell you a little bit about how I approached studying for final exams.
Getting through all of your college applications takes time - whether you applied to an excessive number of schools like I did, or only a few carefully chosen options, you want to give yourself time to work in a stress-free environment and really let your creative juices flow. Now - even though we all struggle with time management and procrastination, it’s important to try to finish your college applications early (for a variety of reasons). Although this can be easier said than done, using some of these reasons to motivate yourself to get your applications done can be useful.
February 2023