Picking a college to enroll in is a VERY big decision for students entering their first year. It’s not a short term decision; usually, students have to stick with their choice for 2-4 years. It affects not only your academics, but also social and financial aspects as well. Consider these 5 factors when deciding between colleges.
Many college applications require students to decide on a particular program, college, or major before submitting their application. Sometimes this is a binding choice, automatically signing you up for the program once you enroll, and sometimes it’s just a soft commitment to an area of interest, so the university can see where your interests lie. Being thoughtful and strategic about this factor of your application can help your chances of admission, and help you be enrolled in what you’re interested in once you attend the school. Here are some tips for making this decision, and what to look out for.
Essay writing had always been a point of anxiety for me, particularly when it came to my college applications and personal insight questions. How do I make myself stand out over thousands of other incredibly ambitious students? What is it about my essay or writing style that will make the counselor pause, and really stay interested in what I have to say? How am I supposed to summarize every passion, dream, and challenge I have faced in my life, in 350 words or less? College application essay writing was one of the most daunting tasks I faced during my high school career, but oddly enough, the only thing that actually held me back most of the time was my own insecurity and uncertainty when it came to conveying my ideas.
Applying to college is super stressful! Especially when you’re applying to many schools that require different essays, supplements, and scores. In this post, I’ll be sharing my organization tips on how to ensure that you do not forget any steps in your college application journey!
February 2023